ProjectProject «Children Plus»Welcome to our project - "Children Plus" - Improving the Live of Families Affected & Infected by HIV. Here you can learn more about the project concept, donors and implementing partners, look through the publications and experience gained during the project.
About ProjectWelcome to our project - "Children Plus" - Improving the Live of Families Affected & Infected by HIV. Here you can learn more about the project concept, donors and implementing partners, look through the publications and experience gained during the project. "Children Plus" project is implemented by All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH in partnership with Elena Pinchuk "ANTIADS" Foundation, Elton John AIDS Foundation, Romanian Angel Appeal Foundation, and financed by the Elton John AIDS Foundation, The Big Lottery Fund , and Elena Pinchuk "ANTIADS" Foundation. The project is being implemented in Ukraine during 2008-2013 Project Summary
Project Goal Project Outcomes Outcome 1. This project will provide improved practical and psychological support to disadvantaged families to prevent 1,500 HIV infected/affected children from being placed in institutions, or becoming street children, due to the breakdown of their family. Outcome 2. This project will enable 96 HIV(+) orphans currently living in institutions in the target 10 Oblasts of Ukraine to be taken out of the governmental care system and placed within family care (adoption, guardianship, foster families). Outcome 3. This project will work to improve HIV/AIDS awareness in 3,000 school, kindergarten and children's residential care home personnel, working to form tolerant attitudes towards HIV(+) children in the pre-school and school educational system of Ukraine. Outcome 4. This project will work with 1,000 children affected & infected by HIV and their families to provide psychological support and health management relating to staged disclosure of HIV status.
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